Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Country roads, take me home

Hello again everyone. I hope you're all doing great!

Last week, the unit that Rebecca and I taught on was farming. It was probably the most difficult lesson to plan for all year as the textbook was extremely boring. We decided to start each lesson off with our students learning a classic country song, "Country Roads" by John Denver. I think the students really enjoyed it. As they were singing, I was walking around holding my pen like a microphone and having kids sing solos. A great song at a great time for me. China Air, take me home!

Throughout the year, a lot of my students have been asking to play basketball with me. I've been trying to jam all of the classes into my schedule. It's a lot of fun playing with them. Plus, it's usually the boys in my classes who are the troublemakers (if there are any), so it's an opportunity for me to get back at them. I don't think I've ever blocked so many shots in my life!

The last two days have been pretty eventful for me. On Monday, I got a text from the school saying that I was going to be doing a demonstration lesson with 26 teachers from America sitting in. Oh, and it was the next day. Fortunately, I'm used to the last-second heads up now! I was a little nervous teaching in front of so many Americans. Plus, this unit was on humor, so I had decided to start out each class with some blonde jokes. I never planned on having a dozen blonde women sitting in on a class!

However, the class went amazing. All of my students focused and participated well. They made me look great! After the class, quite a few of the Americans came up to me and said I did all the "teaching things" right. Not sure what those things are exactly, but I nailed 'em!

Earlier tonight, 4 of us foreign teachers were judges for an English singing competition. It was fun watching a lot of my students really get into their performances. My favorite one was by a student of mine who sang a very energetic version of "Bad Romance" by Lady Gaga. It was hilarious!

Lastly, I'm happy to say that we finally got everything worked out with our school contract for next year. They moved very slow, but we were able to improve some of the things for our group next year as well as teachers in the future, including the increased flight reimbursement.

You may not remember, but awhile ago I went to a Chinese C with my friend Jesse. This Sunday, I am planning on going with him and his friend CiCi. I'm glad that he is excited to go again.

I think that's all for now. Go USA! Knock off the Brits!


  1. This is a classic. :) LOVE MOM

  2. Great update, Ryan! I loved the part about you blocking all the shots on your students. Haha! That's awesome! Do they call you "Kobe" or some other NBA star's name? I think it's funny that both you and Rebecca talked about how difficult the farming lesson was to plan. It's funny because when Adam and I taught a farming lesson we thought it was great because Adam's dad is a farmer. We had lots to teach about! (: Guess it's just your perspective. For example, I would be completely lost if I was assigned a lesson on basketball. Haha! Also, great job on the "model" lesson for the Americans. Well, gotta say, I'm super pumped to see you more next year!!! Peace.
